Gianna Marely (9 days old)
I enjoyed this session so much! This family literally came in with two babies. Let me tell you toddlers with newborns scare me. haha They can go from "I love you knew baby" to "who are you and why you sharing my spot light" hahaha For the most part it is not easy. This time though big brother was a total charm. What a precious little boy. So much so he even posed for some shots by himself. All giggles too! I love giggly babies makes for adorable images.

Fabian. Just my kind of boy, he thought I was funny.

Do you like Flowers? I discovered my love of flowers through photography. I don't personally love them as a gift but I love them in sessions.

Look at all these cute expressions! So much fun to capture. Usually newborn babies can't control their eye muscles this is why most awake babies cross their eyes.
Crying little faces are always memorable. I don't think mom or dad want to forget this part of the newborn stage.